# Zoom in, so boxes are smaller, so you can see more of the net: F10 key when mouse is placed where you want centre of KB diagram to be.
# Zoom out, so boxes are larger, so you see less of the net: F9 key when mouse is placed where you want centre of KB diagram to be.
# Move KB as a whole, up, down, left, right: Hit the cursor arrow keys situated between main and numeric keyboard. The amount of movement is 1 inch by default, as set in the Prefs panel.
# Create space in the net, a vertical column: F3 key, and all boxes to right of where mouse happens to be will be moved to right by 1 inch. All arrows are modified to follow the boxes as necessary.
# Create space in the net, a horizontal row: F4 key, and all boxes below where mouse happens to be will be moved down by 1 inch. All arrows are modified to follow the boxes as necessary.
# To show all parts of net (after hiding some): 'Enter' key at bottom right of numeric keypad. (NOT the return key).
# To show the attributes connected to the one over which mouse is resting: '+' (Plus) key on numeric keypad.
# To show the attributes that are antecedent to the one over which the mouse is resting: 'a' key. With this you can find which input information is relevant to a given attribute.
# To show the attributes that are consequent to the one over which the mouse is resting: 'c' key. With this you can find which input information is relevant to a given attribute.
# To hide all, prior to showing topics: '0' key on numeric keypad.
# To show the attributes or items linked to a given topic: (First hide all with '0' key) then hit the topic number 1..9 on numeric keypad. These are accumulative, in that if you hit 0 (to clear) and then 1 and 4 you will see those things that are linked to either topic 1 or topic 4 or both.
# To perform action click left mouse button: over box to bring up attribute action panel. At present, items and relationships have no action.
# To select item/attribute type to be similar to a given one: hit 'T' key (for 'type') when mouse is over the item or attribute box of type wanted.
# To set link weight to negative or positive while drawing: hit '-' or '+' key on main keyboard (NOT numeric keypad) while you are in the process of drawing.
# To bend a link while drawing it: hit space bar when end of line being drawn is at position for bend.
# To delete a vertex (bend point) of a line: hit 'Del' key (next to 'help') while you are moving the vertex.
# To minimize or maximize the size of a box expressing a free attribute, place mouse over it and hit the M key.